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Sometimes cities fail. Sometimes entire societies do. Joseph Tainter knows this well. In 1988, the anthropologist published The Collapse of Complex Societies. While writing the book it became evident to him that the stories of ancient societies have modern implications—particularly in terms of sustainability. Consider Cahokia, an ancient city located on

Shanan Ballam's latest poetry collection gives an unlikely character a voice. Within Inside the Animal: The Collected Red Riding Hood Poems, the Wolf is a reimagined figure. No longer just a violent creature from the archives. He is given the complexity of humanity. But more importantly, Ballam, Logan's Poet Laureate, has found

Medical school nearly broke Kyle Bradford Jones. Throughout his residency training, Jones ‘05 was caught between the conflicting pressures modern medicine espouses: be fast but thorough with patient exams, prescribe tests but not overly so, be compassionate but work 30 hour shifts without sleep, and most importantly, beat death—an impossible goal.

When discussing the travel he had to do for a previous job, Ben Kolendar doesn’t sound that different from any other business traveler who might rack up frequent-flier miles while regularly jetting off to L.A. or Chicago. Making 27 business trips in four years isn’t really that unusual. Then Kolendar notes