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Changing Landscapes

Puffy clouds over Canyonlands National Park.
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We can always do with a change of scenery. It’s good for mind and body. Good for magazines, too.

In April and May we conducted an online survey­―one with graduating seniors and one with our general readership. If you participated, thank you! What we heard back has helped us to make better-informed decisions about what we can do, and hope to do, to enhance your reading experience.

Among other things, you reaffirmed that Utah State magazine matters and that you look forward to receiving it. While we thought our graduating seniors might have preferred receiving the electronic version of the magazine, we were pleasantly surprised to learn they actually liked the print edition even more.

We love the print edition too. So much so, we spent more than a year working through various ways to improve it, in both content and design quality. We’ve run the numbers and have learned that by reducing our print edition from four to three per year, we can double the content per issue while staying in budget. That means, starting with this edition, bringing you more stories and more ways to stay engaged.

In this issue, devoted to the theme of changing landscapes, we invite you to take-in the new scenery of Utah State magazine. Just as you will read in our cover story how change, imagination, good data, and adaptation is core to rural areas, we feel the same way about this magazine. In the months ahead, you can expect not only more relevant content packaged in new design layouts, but an expanded website edition, as well. Our digital version will complement the printed magazine by offering enhanced and bonus content, in addition to video, and audio. We hope you like the changes and will let us know how we are doing.

By John DeVilbiss
Review overview